Monday, April 14, 2008

Akhirnya BA uruskan babi BN

Isu yang perlu difahami para penduduk berkaitan cadangan projek tapak
penternakan babi moden di Ladang Tumbuk, Hulu Langat adalah:

* Ia adalah pelaksanaan konsep peladangan babi moden (MPF) yang diputuskan
kabinet Kerajaan Pusat BN pada Julai 2007. MPF mempunyai empat kriteria
iaitu ladang tertutup; mempraktikkan pengolahan sisa buangan sifar (zero
discharge); membangunkan infrastruktur yang baik dan mencukupi untuk
ternakan; dan menetapkan kuota untuk pengeluaran babi.

* Ia adalah projek MPF yang telah diluluskan Majlis Tindakan Ekonomi
Selangor (MTES) pada 9 Februari 2008; di saat kerajaan negeri masih
ditadbir BN.

* Pelaksanaan projek telah mendapat persetujuan wakil-wakil penduduk
kampung Ladang Tumbuk yang telah melakukan lawatan kerja ke Jerman bersama
bekas Setiausaha Politik Menteri Besar Selangor.

* Projek bernilai RM100 juta ini bukan bertujuan menambah kapasiti dan
keluasan ternakan babi, sebaliknya erperanan memusat dan mengawal
penternakan babi di daerah Sepang dan Hulu Langat.

* Tiada lesen baru ternakan babi akan dikeluarkan kerajaan negeri selepas
projek ini terlaksana.

* Najis dan sisa kumbahan babi dari ladang akan dikumpulkan dalam satu
takungan bercampur sisa rumput, yang kemudian menghasilkan bio-gas untuk
menjana kuasa elektrik bagi keperluan ladang.

* Tiada bahan buangan yang akan menjadi sisa dan keluar dari kawasan ladang
sekaligus membanteras pencemaran air, bau dan alam sekitar yang kini
dialami penduduk.

* Projek seluas 119 ekar itu tidak dibiayai kerajaan negeri sebaliknya
dibiayai penternak. Sebagai contoh, para pengusaha ladang dikenakan bon
sebanyak RM40 juta untuk membiayai kos pengambilan tanah.

Sehubungan itu isu berhubung projek penternakan babi moden ini perlu
difahami dan diteliti sungguh-sungguh oleh pihak-pihak terbabit.

Rundingan dan pandangan daripada masyarakat setempat perlu bagi memastikan
projek yang dirancang mampu menyelesaikan masalah peninggalan kerajaan BN

Di masa yang sama, media massa dan para pemimpin Umno negeri perlu lebih
bertanggung jawab dengan tidak memainkan sentimen masyarakat.

Kegagalan kerajaan negeri BN di Negeri Sembilan dan Melaka dalam mengawal
penternakan babi perlu dijadikan iktibar.

Amaran Yaakob bahawa kerajaan negeri tidak teragak-agak mendedahkan dokumen
rasmi berhubung projek yang telah diluluskan MTES pada 9 Februari lalu
perlu diberi perhatian serius pemimpin Umno negeri.

Jangan jadi bagai meludah ke langit terkena batang hidung sendiri ataupun
menepuk air di dulang terpercik ke muka sendiri.

Mungkin Karam Singh Walia punyai perumpamaan yang lebih baik bagi mengulas
isu babi dan BN ini?

maklumat lain:

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Melayu atau Islam???

Selepas pilihanraya umum ke-12 UMNO terus menerus mencanang isu perkauman. Mereka menyalahkan rakyat menolak UMNO seumpana menghancurkan melayu. Nampaknya seluruh UMNO makin keliru dengan isu yang lebih penting. Tidakkah mereka nampak bahawa Islam semakin ditindas. Melayu hanya bangsa. Di akhirat nanti tidak akan di tanya apakah bangsa mu. Yang ditanya hanyalah apakah agamamu. Nampaknya sensitivi UMNO hanya pada bangsa tetapi abaikan agama. Mereka lebih sayangkan kedaulatan bangsa mereka berbanding agama. Betapa jahilnya UMNO kini. Bagi mereka 'murtad' juga suatu isu yang remeh. Amat kecil. Inikah pemimpin yang mengagung-agungkan Islam. Apakah ini yang dimaksudkan Islam Hadhari?

Mungkin inilah yang dimaksudkan pemimpin akhir zaman. Pemimpin yang hanya tau menyebut tentang Islam tetapi buta dalam penghayatan. Islam dipijak tetapi dia langsung tak kisah. Janji dia dapat terus berkuasa. Yang penting hanyalah kuasa. Tiada kuasa poket pun tak penuh dengan harta. Makin berkuasa maka makin kaya. Inilah pemimpin kita sekarang. Amat memalukan. Rakan sekutu mereka MCA mencadangkan bukan Islam yang masuk Islam semasa kecil dan kerana perkahwinan dibenarkan murtad tanpa halangan sebagaimana yang dilaporkan akhbar internet Malaysiakini.

Tahniah Pak Lah. Tahniah anda telah membuktikan andalah antara pemimpin akhir zaman seperti yang di sebut di dalam Al-Quran. Berwaspadalah saudara-saudara sekalian. Apa yang penting kita perjuangkan adalah agama kita. Bangsa hanyalah keturunan. Agama Islam adalah kewajipan yang nyata.

Sunday, March 30, 2008

Apakah yang anda cari..?

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Sketsa Dihening hari.....

Suatu pagi ketika Pak Lah sedang termenung memikirkan masa depan, sakit kepala sehingga habis panadol satu papan.....

Tan Sri Rashid Abdul Rahman): Yo brader.. jauh termenung..???

Pak Lah: (senyap sambil memicit kepala)

SPR: Aik.. senyap je ni???

Kemudian najib pun sampai. Dengan koyop yang melekat penuh di dahi dan kepala..

SPR: Loh.. ni apa kena plak ni..? koyop bertampal dah macam serban..

Najib: Kitorg tengah sakit kepala ni.. Rakyat ramai yang dah tak nak sokong kita ni...

SPR: Abis..? nak suruh gua buat apa bro???

Najib: (sambil memicit-micit bahu
Tan Sri Rashid Abdul Rahman).. kitorg ni nak mintak tolong kat lu la.. Guna taktik macam biasa la.. hehehehehe

Pak Lah: (termenung lagi sambil membayangkan bagaimana jika kalah dlm pilihan raya kali ini..?? sambil berkata dalam hati "macam mana nanti aku nak bayar jet peribadi aku yang 200 juta tu..? kapal layar aku yang 40juta..? macam mana aku nak hidup ni...???"

Najib: Buat taktik biasa la.. kasi pengundi kita boleh undi 2-3 kali.. kamon la brader.. terdesak dah ni...

SPR: Ala bro.. gua br ingat kali ni nak jujur.. nak telus kat rakyat.. (br bertaubat kot..?)

Najib: Kitorg dah desperado la bro.. Lu mansuhkan la penggunaan dakwat tu .. kang orang kita tak bleh nak undi 2-3 kali.. kamon la bro.. Macam la tak biasa kita buat macam ni.. Bab jujur tu lain tahun la..

SPR: (termenung, sama ngan Pak Lah)

Najib: Ala lepas menang nanti gua hulur la kat lu 2-3 juta.. ok tak..?

SPR: Kalau camtu gua setuju.. Esok gua umumkan pembatalan penggunaan dakwat..

Najib: That's my brader.. Amacam Pak Lah.. ok tak idea gua ni..? Ini je cara nak menang selain undi pos kita tu

Pak Lah: (nampak sedikit lega) Gua ikut je la mana yang ok.. Janji menang.. Karang mampus gua nak bayar jet peribadi 200 juta dengan kapal layar gua 40juta tu.. (br nak tersenyum)

Tan Sri Rashid Abdul Rahman pun mengumumkan pada seluruh media pembatalan penggunaan dakwat sambul memberikan alasan ntah hape-hape.. Biasa la tu.. Tak heran pun...


Subject: Fasten Your Seat Belts : The Air Asia, Badawi, Singapore, Kamaludin,
Tg Adnan, Kalimullah Story

Fasten Your Seat Belts : The Air Asia, Badawi, Singapore, Kamaludin, Tg
Adnan, Kalimullah Story

Posted by Raja Petra Wednesday, 27 February 2008
By Little Bird

Kawan-kawan, please fasten your seat belts now. I thought that I knew
something about what is really going on in the administration of Abdullah
Badawi. Today I found out I have not even scratched the surface. The
following is panas-panas news. You may want to hit the ejection button
(not yours but theirs) after reading this.

Firstly, the shareholders and/or stakeholders of Air Asia (directly,
indirectly, through proxies, etc.) include Kamaluddin bin Abdullah Badawi,
Kalimullah Maseerul Hassan (also into Tune Hotels), Khairy Jamaluddin, Tony
Fernandez, etc.

We all know the story of Air Asia. Well we all thought it was a rags to
riches story. It is actually a story about riches. The rags part is
actually very hazy.

When MAS entered into a phase of 'restructuring' about three years ago, Air
Asia, through Tony Fernandez, struck fast and furious.
Before we go further, you may want to ask why did MAS have to suffer yet
another 'restructuring'? That is a story by itself for another day but just
bear in mind that Badawi's brother, Ibrahim, is the owner of the catering
company (Skychef?) that used to supply mineral water at RM35 a case to MAS.
With that kind of pricing, surely MAS would need 'restructuring'.

Anyway, Air Asia stepped in and pushed the Gomen for a 'rationalisation' of
the domestic air routes in Malaysia. Air Asia asked to be given MAS' Sabah
and Sarawak routes. MAS could keep flying in Semenanjung, they said.
Despite objections by MAS, Air Asia was granted its wish.
But the wish did not just happen. Zaki, a fourth floor boy at the PM's
office, helped Air Asia make its wish come true.

Once MAS lost its Sabah and Sarawak routes to Air Asia, there was a staff
redundancy. So MAS had to organise a VSS. MAS demanded that since Air Asia
was taking over their Sabah and Sarawak routes it would make some of their
staff redundant so Air Asia should pay MAS some compensation.

Everyone (MAS, Gomen and even Air Asia) agreed that compensation was
payable to MAS. But Air Asia would not pay anything. Finally, the Gomen
(err that means you and me lah, Encik Taxpayer) paid the compensation to
MAS, which MAS promptly used in one of the most expensive VSS payments in
our history.

If your blood is starting to boil, stop reading and better cool off because
it does not get better. Then, within one year, Air Asia realised that the Sabah
and Sarawak routes were not profitable. They never were. MAS was performing
national service in Sabah and Sarawak. Flying chickens and goats is not a
money-making venture.

No problem. Air Asia made another wish. They told the Gomen, we have to
return these air routes back to MAS. Again MAS objected. Again overruled.
Not relevant. Then came the handing over ceremony of the air routes and the

When they took over the Sabah/Sarawak routes, Air Asia had 'acquired' seven
airplanes from MAS in perfect working condition. (MAS does have one of the
best safety records in the world.) However, when Air Asia 'returned' the planes to
MAS, only one was left in working condition. The other six planes were grounded,
not fit for flying and could not fly.

In actual fact, Air Asia was cannibalising parts from the six planes to
keep the seventh one flying. Again MAS objected. Again overruled. Not
relevant. It eventually cost MAS in excess of RM50 million to make the
planes flyable again. This was a direct subsidy to 'rags to riches' Air
Asia's profits.

Then Air Asia started eyeing the lucrative KL-Singapore routes. Tighten
your seat belts. This one will really jolt. But they went about it the
roundabout way. They said they wanted to go international. They did (some)
but international routes are tough. No Zaki, Badawi, Khairy, Kalimullah or
Kamaluddin to make your wishes come true.

But the KL-Singapore sector was generating RM40 million in PROFITS to MAS.
This was the plum in the pudding. Air Asia wanted it badly. they made another wish.
It came true. This is how they did it. Air Asia's bid to break into the KL-Singapore sector
was first discussed in Cabinet when Badawi was on holiday overseas. Najib chaired the
meeting and Air Asia's application was rejected.

The application was rejected for two main reasons:
i. By 2009 the whole of ASEAN becomes open sky anyway. ASEAN airlines can
fly to all ASEAN capitals without restrictions. So why open up KL-
Singapore in double quick time?
ii. If budget flights are allowed between KL-Singapore, KLIA will die an
unnatural death. KLIA will become a feeder airport for Singapore's Changi.

People will fly from KL to Singapore and then fly off from Singapore to the
rest of the world. MAS will then die a natural death. So the request was
declined. Then Badawi came back from his travels and asked Tengku Adnan
the Minister of Tourism to prepare a paper on tourism, linking MAS, Air Asia, SIA, etc.,
to tourist arrivals. At the next Cabinet meeting chaired by Badawi, he asked Tengku Adnan
to present the 'Cabinet paper'.

Insiders say that the paper was an 'out of Agenda' item - meaning it
surprised everyone, but the dunggus approved it nonetheless. Air Asia got
its wish again. Tengku Adnan also secured his Putrajaya seat.

Now here is the killer. Soon after Air Asia started flying the KL-Singapore
sector, they started giving away 300,000 free tickets, 5 sen tickets and
all the other gimmicks. Singapore is believed to be subsidising Air Asia
for all these expensive gimmicks.

For SIA, losing RM40 million (S$17 million) profit from the KL-Singapore
sector is chicken feed. Air Asia is feeding thousands of transit passengers
from KL to Changi . Air Asia is providing RM19 bus rides from KL to KLIA.
From KLIA, passengers fly almost free to Changi. From Changi the passengers
can connect to the world.

Now, Air Asia is making another wish - they want to fly direct from
Kuching, KK, Penang, Alor Setar, Kota Bharu, etc., to Changi. They will
earn even more 'subsidies' from Singapore. KLIA will drop dead later, MAS
will die first.

This is how we go from 'rags to riches'. And we all thought Tony Fernandez
was such a great guy too. The shareholders and/or stakeholders of Air Asia
(directly, indirectly, through proxies, etc.) include Kamaluddin bin
Abdullah Badawi, Kalimullah Maseerul Hassan (also into Tune Hotels), Khairy
Jamaluddin, Tony Fernandez, etc.

Yes, we believe in open skies, competition and all that. But friends,
fellow Malaysians, this is the PM, his son, his S-I-L and his cronies lah.
How can they sell out their own country? But this is what they are doing.
Kawan-kawan, come March 8th, 2008 you have an opportunity to hit the button
for the ejecion seat. Hit the ejection button and send these people out
into oblivion. Don't give them any parachutes either.